“By Far The Best Investment You Can Make Is In Yourself.” This May Be The Most Valuable Of All Lessons From The Oracle Of Omaha – Warren Buffett

Experience Immediate Impact

Close More Deals in 5 Weeks! Our Breakthrough Sales Intensive is designed to multiply your sales. This 3-part Hub series will equip you to sell successfully throughout your entire career. Our proven system will propel you into sales mastery and unlock your infinite income potential. Your Breakthrough Sales Intensive Includes: HUB 1 Close with a 95% success rate Add continuous momentum Eliminate sales stress HUB 2Outperform 90% of the world Overcome the fear of rejection A refreshing way to get results HUB 3 The rule to keep your pipeline full The key to avoiding sales slumps How to get prospects to call YOU
Leadership Hubs The Breakthrough Hub Career Coaching

What to Expect:

1 hour virtual Hub meeting per week 1-on-1 weekly touch points with your coach 1 hour per week reading and preparation 4 private coaching sessions

The power of the Hub

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The Breakthrough Hub® attracts the world’s best coaches.

Our coaches are passionate, innovative, and are fully invested in your success.
Every one of our coaches were selected with your breakthrough in mind.
Book a meeting with one of our coaches to find the best fit for you.

Shan Prasad Circle Frame - White Background
Shangeeta Prasad
Shan has over 15 years of experience in leadership, mentorship, and high-end restaurant ownership. Throughout her career, she has helped hundreds of leaders find their confidence and true self-worth.

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Price: $1,900

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