“By Far The Best Investment You Can Make Is In Yourself.” This May Be The Most Valuable Of All Lessons From The Oracle Of Omaha – Warren Buffett

Experience Immediate Impact

Our Breakthrough Leadership Intensive is designed to fast-track your growth as a leader. This 3-part Intensive series will equip you to lead at every level, increase your influence and give you the skills needed for long-term success. Our proven system will chart the course for a legacy of leadership.
Leadership Hubs The Breakthrough Hub Career Coaching

What to Expect:

1 hour virtual Hub meeting per week 1-on-1 weekly touch points with your coach 1 hour per week reading and preparation 4 private coaching sessions

The power of the Hub

Meet Your Coach

The Breakthrough Hub® attracts the world’s best coaches.

Our coaches are passionate, innovative, and are fully invested in your success.
Every one of our coaches were selected with your breakthrough in mind.
Book a meeting with one of our coaches to find the best fit for you.

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Price: $1800

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